Agile·X Limo ROS2

The Limo ROS2 comes with a variety of sensors, including a LiDAR, a depth camera, and ultrasonic sensors. This allows it to perceive its surroundings and navigate autonomously. The Limo ROS2 also has a variety of actuators, including four wheels, a gripper arm, and a robotic arm. This allows it to interact with its environment and perform tasks such as grasping and manipulation.

The Limo ROS2 is supported by a variety of ROS packages, which provide users with the tools they need to develop and deploy autonomous robot applications. These packages include:

  • Limo base: A ROS wrapper for the Limo robot.
  • Limo bringup: Launch and configuration files to start ROS nodes.
  • Limo description: URDF model for the Limo robot.
  • Limo teleop: ROS packages for teleoperating the Limo robot.
  • Navigation2: ROS packages for autonomous mobile robot navigation.
  • MoveIt2: ROS packages for advanced robotic arm motion planning.

2.759,00  Exc.VAT (3.393,57  Inc. 23% VAT)

Available on backorder




LIMO ROS2 robot features an Intel NCU i7 processor running ROS 2 on Ubuntu 22.04, providing an essential platform for autonomous mobile robot research and education.

Advanced Computing Unit

Equipped with the NVIDIA Orin Nano, it has extremely powerful computing capabilities, enabling more stable multi-sensor data fusion and SLAM mapping.

Precise Sensors

Optionally equipped with the EAI T-mini Pro LiDAR and Orbbec Dabai depth camera, it supports high-precision mapping and autonomous localization, navigation planning, and dynamic obstacle avoidance.

Double the Battery Life

The battery capacity is increased to 10000mAh, which greatly enhances power and operational stability.

Multi-Robot Collaboration

Supports multiple robots performing swarm coordination and fleet movements, enabling collaborative perception, decision-making and control.

Open Source Support

Supports ROS and Gazebo platforms, compatible with mainstream programming languages like Python and C++. Encourages users to expand or develop robotics applications.


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