Agile·X Limo ROS2

2.759,00  Exc.VAT (3.393,57  Inc. 23% VAT)

Agile·X Limo ROS2

The Limo ROS2 comes with a variety of sensors, including a LiDAR, a depth camera, and ultrasonic sensors. This allows it to perceive its surroundings and navigate autonomously. The Limo ROS2 also has a variety of actuators, including four wheels, a gripper arm, and a robotic arm. This allows it to interact with its environment and perform tasks such as grasping and manipulation. The Limo ROS2 is supported by a variety of ROS packages, which provide users with the tools they need to develop and deploy autonomous robot applications. These packages include: Limo base: A ROS wrapper for the Limo robot. Limo bringup: Launch and configuration files to start ROS nodes. Limo description: URDF model for the Limo robot. Limo teleop: ROS packages for teleoperating the Limo robot. Navigation2: ROS packages for autonomous mobile robot navigation. MoveIt2: ROS packages for advanced robotic arm motion planning.

2.759,00  Exc.VAT (3.393,57  Inc. 23% VAT)

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